Registration for the conference is managed by one of the Local Arrangement Committee members, the Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research Incorporated (ACSPRI).
Registration procedure:
- Please follow the links below, depending on your registration category, and when on the ACSPRI website, choose the “Add to cart” button.
- If you want to add a workshop or additional dinner ticket, go “back” to this page and follow the links, then “Add to cart” as necessary.
- Once you have added all required options –ย continue with the green button “Pay now / Generate Invoice”.
- All prices are in Australian Dollars, and include GST. You will be able to pay with a MasterCard or Visa, or if you wish to make a direct bank transfer, please choose the “Direct debit” payment option – and you will be issued an invoice via email which will include details of how to pay.
- If you have any dietary allergies or special access needs – please enter them in then “Special requirements” box.
- The invoice you receive from ACSPRI will be your proof of registration for the conference.
- If you need assistance with registration – please contact Adam Zammit from ACSPRI at:
Early bird registration is now closed. Regular registration:
- IASSIST members:ย AUD$570
- Non-member: AUD$660 (please note – you can join IASSIST via the IASSIST website here at a cost of USD$50 or equivalent)
- Early career participants (less than 2 years since graduation): AUD$550
- Participants from non-OECD countries: AUD$350
* Registration includes reception, poster session and the conference dinner.
Additional options (not included in registration)
- Additional dinner tickets: AUD$100 per person
- Workshops are AUD$55 per workshop. Participants can participate in up to four workshops over the conference period.
- Monday moring:
- Monday afternoon:
- Tuesday morning:
- Wednesday morning:
- An Introduction to Jupyter Notebook for Data Intensive Social Science Research (Ingrid Mason, Frankie Stevens)
- Introduction to DDI: Basic concepts and how to develop skills for training researchers (Anja Perry, Jane Fry, Olof Olsson)
- First things first: how to scope, lead, and imbed change (Joanne Webb)